Community Shop Time

Kids working at the bike project

Come join for our open shop time hours. We invite the community in to work on their own bikes or build one from our donated inventory. We are inspired to provide anyone who needs a bike and would like a bike with an option. You can use our stands, tools, and expertise!

Recommended $10 per hour donation

Materials Processing

Since our beginnings we have recognized the limitless resource of old and abandoned bicycles. Our shop acts as a “filter” for this resource. We stock our shop with used but functional parts that are useful for repair. In addition, we offer the service of separating metals for recycling and the recycling of tubes and tires. We estimate that we keep on average 250 bicycles out of the landfill every year (over 6,500 pounds of materials). 

Third Grade Crystal River Elementary School Program:

In 2018, we completed the first year of providing a bicycle and helmet to third graders at Crystal River Elementary School who did not have one. We were able to provide around 20 bicycles and helmets to classes of the past and donate 2 days of education and services to students at the school. To ensure the functionality and safety of the bicycles we donated, we hosted bicycle tuning parties with local bike shops. We helped prepare the students and their bicycles for the end of year field trip when they ride from school to Rock Bottom Ranch for an overnight camping trip.

Sometimes an unexpected treasure, like this Braxton Frame, comes into the shop and we restore it.


We invite groups into the shop for bike repair workshops. We enjoy guiding people through repairing their own bicycles! We also set up mobile repair workshops in the lower income areas of our community.

Shop at City Market and benefit the bike project!

Log into your City Market account, select "Community Rewards," and then search for Carbondale Bike Project either by name or by using our code YD492. Click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information.

Robby working with a student

Help out!

We’re always looking for funds to help us teach, run programs, and get bikes out into the community. And, once social distancing restrictions lift, we'll be looking for volunteers.
